It's bein' a long time since i've last posted any post. Juz get too tire and lazy to blog ever since sch starts. My timetable is alright bt is so shitty tt my lessons starts at 9 everyday! I've no idea why bus 15 is so damn pack tt i can't even get onto e bus eventhough my bus stop is juz one stop aft interchange. Noe wat, today this indian worker touched my back on e bus. *OH MY GOD!* I can't do anything cuz donno whether he did it on purpose and is juz a gentle touched. *YUCKS*
Let me recall wat i did for e past few wks.
Friday, 27 April: Had our orientation and we played some games
whole class standin' onto a bench.
elephant walk. spot me?
Monday, 30 April: Went swimmin' wid Xin Yi sittin' at e side of e pool thinkin' of wat to buy for her mom. Aft swimmin', i gt myself Mocha ice blended frm coffee bean and sat at e outdoor seats alone, readin my book, while waitin' for Dear. Is so relaxin' wid e cold air blowin, havin a cup of mocha and readin ur fav book.

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