When Shahul and Shafiee arrived, e whole group of us walked toward Pizza Hut for our lunch, and sat there bitching abt our sec sch life *Aww*. Talisa joined us abt an hr ltr. She looked fabulous. Eventhough e both of us were wearing off-shoulder, she looked far more better den me, and i feel ashame. Hahahaha. So happy to hear tt everyone is doing well. Well, except me. Feeling abit lost abt e future. Keeping my fingers crossed tt Sand is able to meet Brad Pitt in Orlando and able to convey my msg to him, tt i'm waiting for him in Singapore to adopt me! I'll be waiting. Hahahaha.
So aft e lunch, we went up to e open garden and took some pic, followed by visiting e arcade. E guys stayed there for pool and e gals went to Times. Hahaha. Sand left while we were going up to meet e guys. Mins aft she left, we bumped into Ridzwan and he joined e guys for pool. We ended our day by sitting at Star Bucks and continued bitching. Oh ya, we saw Mrs Foo (english teacher) while heading towards Star Bucks.

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