Joke of the Day: You know, in Cafe Cartel, u have to write ur orders on a piece of paper before handling it to the waiter/waitress. Sand helped us wrote down our orders. There's a column that says 'any special orders' so i jokingly said "yes, more abalone". And everyone laughed, including Sand. A few minutes after she handled the paper, a waitress walked out and said seriously "as for the Lasagne, we are srry tt there's no abalone". All of us was stunted and started laughing. Sand wrote tt down and she seriously think tt there's abalone in Lasagne.
Oh Sandy, bt i STILL LOVE YOU!
Ytd was Valentine's Day. Really tire for wearing heels the whole day. Actually Dear and me didn't really celebrate. Seriously i think there is no nd to celebrate Valentine's Day. Mayb there exceptions for couples who are celebrating together for the first yr. We simply juz have dinner and watch movie together, like always. But i'm still very happy and i love e meal. I noe i'm putting on weight. Look at my face, it's round! As round and as big as the burger!
I still love him so much.
I hate taking photos wid short fringe!

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