Yeah! Finally gt e urge to update post on Thailand Trip. Hahahaha. I'm feelin so sleepy. Went tanning wid Zhao Pei aft tutorial. I think something is wrong wid me. I suddenly dig out my dad's wine and started drinking alone. Hahahaha. Day 4 of our trip: I was damn pissed off when having breakfast in Pattaya's hotel. I really can't stand those C* tourist. They make them look so uncivilised. Tt morning when we took e fully packed lift down, e lift stopped and this fat aunty tried to waste our time by squeezing in e lift even though is fully packed! Everyone was staring at her and she juz ignored us. Aft she managed to squeeze in, e lift stopped again. This time this fat aunty shouted"Lift full, wait for another one!" at those ppl who wanted to squeeze in. Good tt she knows tt e lift is full. I think if she's out of e lift, another 2 ppl can come in! Aft e lift incident and we finally arrived at e restaurant for breakfast. It's a breakfast buffet so we have to leave our seats to get our food. Once we stood up, these C* ppl immediately grab our seats. Eventhough we tried to tell them nicely that e seats are taken, they juz ignored u. You juz have to shout at them. Some of them juz stood bside e trays of food and eat. One of them put his whole hand into e tray of hotdogs and GRAB them. Many of them, aft drinking, put their glasses back at e same place where we suppose to collect e clean glasses.Aft e angry breakfast, we went back to bangkok from pattaya. We arrived at Dreamworld abt 1pm. Planning e route
I know i'm fat. I always put on weight whenever i go on tour due to e 3 meals. P.S. I always have 2 meals per day.

My mom was so addicted to e stall games and i lost count on how much we spent. I gt a pig soft toy which is quite big, frm my brother for playing e basketball shotting.
But, e best price of e day shld be this: It's a really big Pucca. Actually, only e head is big. I have so much difficulties carrying this ard and bringing back to Singapore. Ltr tt day, we have to transfer to a mini-van to our destination, i was stuck at e door due to her head. She's so big and heavy tt we nd to leave a seat for her. No matter wat, i'm willing to carry this price cuz i earned it myself! I'm really lucky. Everyone, including strangers, was screaming when i was abt to win e game and i still donno wat was happening. Hahahaha. Saw e guy behind wearing white? He's e vendor and he was so excited.
This is how big e head is.

In Giant's House 

This picture was forced by my mom and relative. My mom keep saying "e both of u quickly go and take photo"
Aft leaving e park, e weather gt really back. E time when we went was abt to reach rainy season tt's y i didnt get tann!!! I was still thinking of tanning there!

Tt nite, we went back to e same hotel tt we stayed on e first day and they gave us e same room as e first nite! Damn it! Know y i'm so angry? Cuz there's 'someone else' in e room! It's a he and he still came to talk to my mom. I hate it so much and keep complaining i don like e room. My mom said "NVM, he's a gd guy". SO WAT!? I won't go back to tt hotel!
By e way, all e aunites tt went wid us are shopaholic, including Dear. We went shopping every nite and e last day b4 going to e airport in e afternoon.
Summarise wat i gt:
- 5 shorts
- 7 tops
- 2 dresses
- 1 belt
- 3 bags
- 1 watch
- 3 pairs of ear rings
- 8 necklace
- 1 wallet